- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
High Above the City
After finishing the morning's shopping, it had been a day with nothing to do... until you walked to Notre Dame and climbed the innumerable flights of spiral stairs to spend the afternoon in the company of the great cathedral's denizens. Quasi is hard at work refurbishing and restoring the carvings of a rain-worn gargoyle, while Phoebus, thoroughly entangled in Esmeralda's scheme regarding reading lessons for Quasi, is rearranging the furniture of Quasimodo's small bedroom to make room for new bookshelves (Quasimodo has insisted on constructing them himself, but you have a sneaking suspicion Phoebus is doing some pre-emptive measuring to further help out). Esmeralda comes up every so often with a new armload of books from the Cathedral's manuscript collection, her footsteps announced by the creaky wooden floor. The two of you will put your heads together and peruse the pages, deciding which books are best for beginning readers and which you want to keep up here in the eyrie for your own selfish reading pleasures -- goodness knows Essie and Pheobus stop by here often enough to warrant having their favorite books close at hand! With nothing else to do but pass Quasi the occasional tool, you've curled up on a sunny bench next to the latticework carvings of the balustrade, with your back against a pillar, and claimed one of Esmeralda's books for your own. From below in the cathedral, the chants of priests carries up as a gentle breeze moves past Quasi's handmade wind chimes, and occasionally a pigeon flutters up to say hello.
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License details for "High Above the City"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Church Bell by dsp9000 +)
- Pigeon beating wings by gerardcatala from http://freesound.org +)
- Chimes by http://freesound.org +)
- Gregorian Chant 2 by https://archive.org/details/SanctusMassViii *)
- light breeze by keweldog from http://freesound.org +)
- tinkering by kingloki +)
- Footsteps on Wood by ralphwhitehead from http://freesound.org +)
- Cough by Vinicius +)
*) Soundsnap.com license