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The Mystery Shack
While waiting for the next tour bus to arrive, Grunkle Stan sips on a Pitt Cola, and Dipper and Mabel play on the lawn. It's a perfect afternoon. Sure, there's a an eerie feeling in the slight breeze and the occasional, mysterious, deep growl from the woods, but Great Uncle Ford is downstairs. His collection of sci-fi weapons or Grunkle Stan's baseball bat can defeat just about anything that could ruin the perfect summer ambience! So enjoy it before Soos comes running from the woods with an undiscovered monster clinging to his face.
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License details for "The Mystery Shack"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Openinng Soda Can by 13gpanska-gorbusinova-anna from +)
- Dreamscape by Brad Breeck +)
- Cthulhu growl by cylon8472 from +)
- Soil, Vegetation, gardening by Elwi_96 from +)
- Deep Forest morning by kvgarlic from +)
- Wood chopping by PapercutterJohn +)
- Lawn Sprinkler by smokeyvw +)
- Children Playing by yacou from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License