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Zootopia - forgotten district
This abandoned, slowly falling apart district of this large city, was once a habitat for every animal, that was exiled from society for varoius reasons. But main reason was always the same, for being a very being you are...habited mostly by predators who refused to wear collars. But rumors say even herbivorus animals find their resting place in here.
This quite big area of the city sits far to the north of Tundtratown. Once the City expansion went down south, everoyone eventually moved away from here. Leaving the place abandoned and forgotten. Even Mr. Big and his "soldiers" fear to approach that place. Always rainy and foggy, surrounded by high fence with barbed wire sitting on top of it. It is unclear who put it there, it`s inhabitants or citizens of Zootopia. But one thing is even more mysterious and disturbing, than the barbed wire fence. Shortly before events in the movie, it`s inhabitants simply dissapeared without a trace in the fog, that shrouded the area and is present to this day.
Everyone who dared to enter this place to find out what happened, ended up in failure. Only ruins, fog, neverending rain and overwhelming feeling of sadness and fear which filled the area was reported by urban explorers and search parties. But everyone who returned from there, were unanimously saying they heard sounds of former residents, along with a very relaxing guitar music playing everyonce in a while. Source of this music remains unknown.
Every attempt to rebuild this area, ended up in failure as well, and whole building crews simply vanished in the fog along with their equipment, shortly after entering the district. Now no one dares to approach that place.
Could overwhelming sadness and feeling of injustice and pain in hearts of former residents have turned this area into completly different dimension? Or maybe spirits of those unfortunate beings are protecting their homes...the last place where they were safe in spite of pain, loneliness and sadness, and are not willing to give up their homes?
There is one more mystery. A cherry on top of the pie. Everyone who luckily returned from exploring that area stated, that near the source of the music, there was an inscription written in violet paint, either on a street or on a building - "For Judy". When the music stopped, the inscription disappeared as well...
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License details for "Zootopia - forgotten district"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Rock move.4 by Evilface38 +)
- Rockslide by Freesound.ord +)
- Foot steps by http://freesound.org +)
- Coyote Howl by Sithjawa of the Freesound Project +)
- Relaxing guitar by Techwolf73 +)
- light rain by vahid +)
- Wolf Cry by viorelvio +)
- Lone Wolf by y89312 +)
Image from: Image by: Athenarius -> https://pixabay.com/en/angel-setting-city-clouds-fog-1139386/